How to set out goals to achieve success in 2023

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What do you want to achieve in 2023? From improving your fitness to learning a new skill to support your career goals, setting out what you want to achieve this year can help you lead the life you want.

While many people set a new year resolution, many are forgotten about and overlooked within a matter of weeks. So, what can you do to be successful this year? Here are six practical tips that could help.

1. Choose goals that will add value to your life

Rather than simply choosing a common goal, really spend some time thinking about how you’d like to change your life.

Focusing on the value that goals could add can provide the motivation you need to stick to your plan. It also means the steps you are taking could improve other areas of your life and boost your wellbeing.

2. Be as specific as possible

Undefined goals make it difficult to measure your success. This then means you’re more likely to miss opportunities or give up entirely. Instead, be clear about exactly what you want to achieve and the steps you need to take to reach the goal.

Rather than vaguely setting out to improve your fitness, for example, set a goal of going to an exercise class three times a week. Or if you’re focusing on improving your career, identify online courses or projects that you need to complete.

While it can be tempting to set lofty goals when you’re feeling optimistic, be realistic. Unattainable goals could put you off and mean you take fewer positive steps towards success.

3. Create a timeline filled with mini goals

Rather than setting a single large goal, breaking it down into the individual steps you need to take can keep you on track.

If you’re hoping to save more this year, for instance, start with your end goal and break it down into how much you need to save each month. By July, how much should you have added to your savings account? Having milestones along the way that you can celebrate can provide the encouragement you need to stay on track for the whole year.

4. Make yourself accountable for your goal

Being held accountable means you’re less likely to put off tasks that you need to do.

So, write your goal down and regularly update your progress or tell people what it is. If you know someone that is working towards the same goal, getting together to share tips or provide some friendly competition can be useful.

5. Pick yourself up if you fail

At times, you might not reach your target. Whether you simply have an off-week or events outside your control have affected your plans, what sets apart those who succeed is that they pick themselves up.

While it can be disheartening, missing out on a mini milestone isn’t the end of the world. Take a look at the progress you’ve already made and focus on what you need to do to keep moving forward.

6. Set up a regular review

Don’t set a goal now and then fail to review it until the end of the year. It could mean you leave yourself too much work to do at the end because you’ve not been making steady progress.

Regular reviews can help keep you on track. Whether you decide a weekly or monthly review is right for you, put some time in your diary so you don’t get distracted by other tasks. This step means you’re in a better position to identify challenges and make adjustments to your plan if necessary.

Contact us to talk about your financial goals

Financial goals are common and, of course, other goals you may have could be dependent on being financially secure.

According to a report in This is Money, a third of people made a financial resolution at the start of the year. Soaring inflation has spurred more people to think about their money, how to get the most out of their assets, and what they can do to create long-term financial security.

The most common financial goal is to save more (12%), followed by spending less (11%). 5% also said they wanted to save for the future, including adding more to their pension or investment portfolio. Like any goal, financial targets benefit from a plan. It could make sure you stay on track and achieve success now and in the long term.

If you’d like to talk about your financial goals, please get in touch.

Please note: This blog is for general information only and does not constitute advice. The information is aimed at retail clients only.

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Black Swan Financial Planning and Andrew in particular, are very clever at working out how risk averse we are, and coming up with solutions that we feel comfortable with. We are happy in the knowledge that we can continue to enjoy a comfortable retirement. Andrew Peters is a very, very friendly person who is great to chat to and easy to deal with. He explains things very clearly in layman’s terms, and if we still don’t understand, he explains it until we do!

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Rob [Young] is extremely knowledgeable. I knew nothing about the different types of trusts which will not only secure my income in retirement, but also leave a legacy for my children. I’m glad that I sought his advice when I did.

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My wife and myself have been dealing with Black Swan for a number of years. We have met with different representatives from the company over the years and have found all very helpful in their own way. We met with James [Anderson] a few years ago and found him very helpful and knowledgeable. He keeps in contact with us on a regular basis. We find the Company information very helpful and we feel very secure with our finances.

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